
This is a moodboard for my Interface Design assignment. my task is to create a device with a theme of 'i-companion'. Don't ask me wtf is that. i dont even know what is i-companion. They said we need to create a device that similar to a robot and can interact with us in many ways. That is 'i-companion', ...i think lah. Besides creating that device, i need to create a moodboard, which is the picture shown above. A moodboard is to show the mood of the user. And my target user is Painters!. Maybe i'm gonna create a device that can help painters to paint easier in any ways. I still havent decide how the thing works. Maybe the thing can help them draw??? x logik la plak kan. And oh ya, i need to change the pictures in the moodboard, because they(lecturers) want an original pictures/local pictures. Mana mau carik gambar ori bogel? Kalau kau bogel xpe lah kan? eh x nak aku. geli sial
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